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Earth Mysteries Books Dan Shaw recommends...

...Sacred Geometry, and Maya-related books, etc.

The following links go to Amazon's info except where noted.


Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, by David Hatcher Childress..
The classic work in the field.
related vortexmaps page

Sedona: Beyond the Vortex, by Richard Dannelley.
Combines sacred geometry, EarthStar maps, the Maya calendar, and ritual all in a highly readable form.

The Energy Grid, or anything by Bruce Cathie.
Cathie is a pioneer grid researcher who has produced necessary software.

Power of Place, by James Swan.
Features a chapter by Becker and Hagens on the grid.

Ancient Stones Speak: A Journey to the World's Most Mysterious Megalithic Sites, by David Zink, (Dutton 1979)
First to note the frequent occurence of megaliths at grid points.
related vortexmaps page

Gaia Matrix: Arkhom and the Geometries of Destiny in the North American Landscape, by Peter Champoux. related vortexmaps page

Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, by Peter Tompkins (o.o.p.)
Interesting materials on the harmonic proportions of Mexican pyramids.

Beyond Prophecies and Predictions, by Moira Timms.

Planetary Grid, by Bethe Hagens.

Golden Vortex, by Nick Nelson.

Eyes of the Sphinx, by Erich von Daniken.
The "3-4-5" Triangle on Greece.

Holy Blood, Holy Grail Rennes Le Chateau & geometric map

Gravitational Mystery Spots, by Doug Vogt
Simple experiments at several sites show that a suspended weight requires more force to push in one direction than in another.
related vortexmaps page

Sedona : Sacred Earth, by Nicholas R. Mann
Many maps, geometric and zoomorphic. related vortexmaps page

Earth Ascending: An Illustrated Treatise on the Law Governing Whole Systems, by Jose Arguelles.

Odyssey of the Gods, by Erich Von Daniken This is the book detailing triangles of sacred places in Greece, by the famous author of Chariots of the Gods.
related vortexmaps page

Earthmind, by Paul Devereux.
Former long-time editor of The Ley Hunter Journal. I recommend all his titles.
related vortexmaps page

The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture, by Gyorgi Doczi.

New View Over Atlantis, by John Michell.
Includes the Stonehenge - Glastonbury geometry.related vortexmaps page

The Ancient Science of Geomancy : Living in Harmony With the Earth, by Nigel Pennick.

Secrets of the Great Pyramid, by Peter Tompkins, Livio Catullo Stecchini. A gem of an appendix by Livio Stecchini.

Ancient Man : A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts by William R. Corliss (Editor).

The Mayan Oracle: Using the Dreamspell daily.

Tree-Of-Life Tarot by Van Leeuwen Camphausen This a spectacular deck based on the next item by Wang. It's not actually out of print!

Qabalistic Tarot, by Robert Wang Wang lays bare the correspondence between Hermetic Qabala, astrology, and tarot.

Working With Earth Energies: How to Tap into the Healing Powers of the Natural World by David Furlong   Written by a healer, this book explains how to get back in touch with the Earth and nature.

VortexMaps Book Bonanza!
Trip to Glastonbury May 2006
Turns Up Rich New Trove of Must-Read Books

Megalithomania brought together much new information.

john-martineau John Martineau, who organized the event, is  a brilliant geometer.
His "Little Wooden Books"
are beautifully produced short works, & include his "Little Book of Coincidence",
and John Michell's book on the meanings of sounds of letters and letter combinations, and their poetic and other implications, "Euphonics".

John Michell is the 'patron saint' of Earth Mysteries, having written dozens of books on Earth Mysteries, contributing new insights, and inspiring other research.

 John Michell 12-tribe-nations
Twelve-Tribe Nations is a vital contribution to visionary mapping, giving a cross-cultural tour of nations whose sacred geography is based on the Zodiac.

Gothic Image publishes the Ancient Landscape Around Glastonbury Map, glastonbury-ley-lines-map
a full color, double-sided poster of the ancient features, alignments, world grid lines, and Glastonbury Zodiac figures. By Palden Jenkins. I´m the only US distributor. In the UK, you may order the Vortex Field Guide from gothic-image
Gothic Image. gothic-image-book-store

Speaking Tree distributes an incredible selection of metaphysical books, some rare. There were many on Vortex Mapping I need to read, I'll be distributing Mary Caine's Glastonbury Zodiac book. These are in limited supply, and available from VortexMaps while they last.


The Vortex Field Guide is also available in London and the UK at Watkins Metaphysical Books.
Watkins Metaphysical Books
Watkins Metaphysical Books

The EarthStar Globe is now available in the UK throughHugh Newman.

While at the event, I stayed with geomancer and dowser Sig Lonegren Sig Lonegren
who wrote "Spiritual Dowsing",
and his wife Karin at their lovely Bed and Breakfast sunnybank Bed and Breakfast

nicholas-mann Nicholas Mann's new edition of his Sedona book Nicholas Mann's Sedona book
is available from Light Technology.

Chris Street's "EarthStars: The Visionary Landscape"
published by

Green Magic is available through: Counter Culture
They also publish Ley Lines by Danny Sullivan
Which is the definitive history of the subject by an author whose career includes editing "The Ley Hunter" Journal.

VortexMaps.com sells EarthStars, The Visionary Landscape, and of course, the Vortex Field Guide.
I will be selling Twelve Tribe Nations, Glastonbury Zodiac, and Ancient Landscape Around Glastonbury Map as soon as my shipment arrives.
Buy direct from the publishers linked above, OR

Buy from Amazon, commissions help support VortexMaps.com
Vortex Field Guide
Little Book of Coincidence
Spiritual Dowsing
Sedona: Sacred Earth
Earthstars: The Visionary Landscape
Ley Lines
The following books are on the broad subject of 'Earth Mysteries' I recommend.

Eyes of the Sphinx, by Erich von Daniken.
The "3-4-5" Triangle on Greece.

Holy Blood, Holy Grail Rennes Le Chateau & geometric map

Gravitational Mystery Spots, by Doug Vogt
Simple experiments at several sites show that a suspended weight requires more force to push in one direction than in another.
related vortexmaps page

Sedona : Sacred Earth, by Nicholas R. Mann
Many maps, geometric and zoomorphic. related vortexmaps page

Earth Ascending: An Illustrated Treatise on the Law Governing Whole Systems, by Jose Arguelles.

Odyssey of the Gods, by Erich Von Daniken This is the book detailing triangles of sacred places in Greece, by the famous author of Chariots of the Gods.
related vortexmaps page

Earthmind, by Paul Devereux.
Former long-time editor of The Ley Hunter Journal. I recommend all his titles.
related vortexmaps page

The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture, by Gyorgi Doczi.

New View Over Atlantis, by John Michell.
Includes the Stonehenge - Glastonbury geometry.related vortexmaps page

The Ancient Science of Geomancy : Living in Harmony With the Earth, by Nigel Pennick.

Secrets of the Great Pyramid, by Peter Tompkins, Livio Catullo Stecchini. A gem of an appendix by Livio Stecchini.

Ancient Man : A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts by William R. Corliss (Editor).

John Michell

John Michell

This is a listing of most of the books by John Michell. He is credited in many, many others.

Twelve-Tribe Nations and the Science of Enchanting the Landscape
by John Michell, Christine Rhone
This book is available from VortexMaps.com(ships from Ashland, Oregon USA).
or Amazon.com

Crooked Soley
Crooked Soley
Drawings and analysis of the crop circle at Crooked Soley near Hungerford, Berkshire. 80 page paperback

The Rough Guide to Unexplained Phenomena
by John Michell, Bob Rickard (Paperback - October 23, 2000)

Eccentric Lives, Peculiar Notions
by John Michell (Hardcover - February 11, 2002)

The Traveller's Guide to Sacred England: A Guide to the Legends, Lore and Landscape of England's Sacred Places
by John Michell (Paperback - August 2003)

The Dimensions of Paradise: The Proportions and Symbolic Numbers of Ancient Cosmology
by John F. Michell, John Michell (Paperback - May 2, 2001)

Confessions of a Radical Traditionalist
by John Michell (Library Binding - April 2005) Although many of these essays have nothing to do with Earth Mysteries, some do. This is one of the mont enjoyable books I've read in a long time, full of wisdom and wit.

Feng-Shui: The Science of Sacred Landscape in Old China
by Ernest J. Eitel, John Michell (Paperback - January 1986)

Traveler's Key To Sacred England
by John Michell (Hardcover - March 12, 1988)

Prehistoric Sacred Sites of Cornwall
by John Michell (Paperback - March 19, 2003)

City of revelation: on the proportions and symbolic numbers of the cosmic temple
by John Michell (Mass Market Paperback - June 12, 1977)

The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth: Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancients
by Robin Heath, John Michell (Paperback - August 15, 2006)


by John Michell (Paperback - May 1, 2006)

Introduccion a La Astroarqueologia: Sacerdotes-astronomos De La Antiguedad (Historia)
by John Michell (Paperback - June 30, 2004)

The Face and the Message: What Do They Mean and Where Are They From?
by John Michell (Paperback - June 30, 2002)

The Story of George Adamski, the First Flying Saucer Contactee, and How He Changed the World
by Colin Bennett, John Michell (Foreword) (Paperback - December 2001)

A Little History of Astro-Archaeology: Stages in the Transformation of a Heresy
by John Michell (Paperback - May 2001)

Voyage en Inde
by Antonio Martinelli, John Michell (Hardcover - October 7, 1998)

English Figure
by John Michell (Paperback - 1998)

Dowsing the Crop Circles: New Insights into the Greatest of Modern Mysteries
by John Michell (Hardcover - April 1993)

Secrets of the Stones: New Revelations of Astro-Archaeology and the Mystical Sciences of Antiquity
by John Michell (Paperback - November 1, 1989)

Megalithomania: artists, antiquarians and archaeologists at the old stone monuments Megalithomania
by John Michell (Hardcover - April 1982)

Living Wonders: Mysteries and Curiosities of the Animal World
by John Michell (Paperback - 1982)

Old Stones at the Land's End: Megalithic Alignments at the Land's End
by John Michell (Paperback - July 1, 1993)

The Russians in Central Asia: Their occupation of the Kirghiz steppe and the line of the Syr-Daria : their political relations with Khiva, Bokhara, and ... Capt. Valikhanof, M. Veniukof and [others]
by John Michell (Author)

Who Wrote Shakespeare?

At the Center of the World: Polar Symbolism Discovered in Celtic, Norse, and Other Ritualized Landscapes

The Earth Spirit: Its Ways, Shrines, and Mysteries

Natural Likeness: Faces and Figures in Nature

New light on the ancient mystery of Glastonbury

The Flying Saucer Vision

Stonehenge: Stonehenge, its history, meaning, festival, unlawful management, police riot '85 & future prospects

Ancient Metrology: the dimensions of Stonehenge and of the whole world as therein symbolised.

John's Art

Wikipedia article on John Michell

The Mayan Oracle: Using the Dreamspell daily.

Tree-Of-Life Tarot by Van Leeuwen Camphausen This a spectacular deck based on the next item by Wang. It's not actually out of print!

Qabalistic Tarot, by Robert Wang Wang lays bare the correspondence between Hermetic Qabala, astrology, and tarot.

Working With Earth Energies: How to Tap into the Healing Powers of the Natural World by David Furlong   Written by a healer, this book explains how to get back in touch with the Earth and nature.

Daniel Evan Shaw, website copyright © 2024