Nick Nelson

An example of artificial vortex Nick created in a parking lot, because it was the only clear, level space. The camera has not moved in any direction from one photo to the next.

Anomalous photograph of Nick and a light phenomenon in the crooked shack.

River bends mirror each other in southern Oregon.

This photo of Sedona shows numerous half circles...

My home-made vortex, in my "Mad Scientist Lab"

An idealized vortex, and the Oregon Vortex.

Articles by Nick [Microsoft Word (*.doc) format]:

Nick's "Resume".

What is a Vortex?

A list of Gravitational Mystery Spots, with notations by me.

The Rule of 4.5: Certain universal measurements recur in nature and in vortexes.

"The Norma Factor": Recent developments in magnet motor research.

Nick's Early Magnet Motor Research presented at International New Energy Conference in Salt Lake City in October 2001.