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Is the Earth a living crystal?

by Bethe Hagens & Bil Becker

Is the Earth a living organism, one with crystal energy properties? Are we coming full-circle to knowledge already well-developed among ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Mayans and Chinese? Once you've assembled EarthStar, you may never think of our planet in the same way again.

Almost as an offhand remark, as an aside so obvious that it hardly needed be stated, Plato described the Earth as "a ball, sewn together from twelve pieces of skin" -- 500 years before Christ! The Greeks, in turn, had developed their geometry (the art of "earth measuring") from even more ancient Egyptian and Oriental sources. Those ancient cultures -- Atlantean perhaps? or some other highly advanced society that was destroyed in catastrophic earth changes that occurred around 10,000 B.C. -- understood all like in terms of crystals.

Apparently five crystals were recognized. Crystals are ideal energy receptors, and ancient cultures were aware of this capacity. When light or other electromagnetic energy is directed at a crystal, that energy is "processed" in regular ways -- along the faces to concentrate in edges and points. We use this knowledge in everything from crystal radios and prisms to computer ships and solar cells. Ancient cultures seem to have developed an entire system of knowledge based upon crystal phenomena. We find the shapes of five crystals, and the colors traditionally assigned to them, in the art and mythology of people everywhere. They are used to illustrate the physical and spiritual link between the human body and Earth's body -- and emphasize our species' role in accumulating, using, and dispersing energy coming in to Earth. Mystical literature throughout the world refers to us as "light beings." and many cultures have attempted to develop medical technologies such as acupressure which recognize human crystal properties. Each of the crystals below can be thought of as a kind of skeleton for different aspects of human or Earth energies.

The tetrahedron, which symbolized "fire" and was given the color "red". was the primary crystal -- the cosmic shape of intense creative energy. Scientists have recently discovered that clay exhibits the crystalline properties of the tetrahedron; perhaps Genesis represents far more literal information about the creation of our species than had previously been imagined.

The cube, which symbolized "earth" and was given the color "yellow", was the first physical dimension of the Earth's incarnation as a living physical body. Curiously, salt is a cubic crystal -- and we retain this ancient thinking in our references to compassionate people as " the salt of the Earth."

The octahedron, symbolizing "air" and given the color "white", was a kind of cosmic umbilical cord. Its structure, a four-sided pyramid atop an inverted four-sided pyramid, is biologically analogous to a plant and its root structure. In the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide if "consumed" in the presence of sunlight, and oxygen is released as the plant grows. The Great Pyramid in Egypt may represent a technological application of this like-giving octahedral energy. Researchers are slowly uncovering evidence that an inverted pyramid may be found beneath the Great Pyramid -- making the structure an octahedron. One can only speculate as to the uses of energies akin to photosynthesis that might have been generated within the different pyramid chambers! More importantly, though, the Pyramid as a crystal technology represents a system of science based upon principles of life energy rather than those we employ -- which create energy by destroying matter.

The icosahedron, which symbolized "water" and was assigned the color "black", was the organism -- "individual life" conceptually distinguished within the context of a greater body. We are, of course, commonly referred to as "bags of water." More startling, though, is that the most primitive life form we recognize -- the virus -- takes the form of an icosahedron! It cannot exist alone, but lives only within the cells of a host organism. When we think of our Earth as existing within the heavenly host, we mythically restate this same knowledge of the interconnection of all life.

Finally, the dodecahedron -- Plato's twelve-sided ball -- was given the color "green" and represented "Gaia." Gaia is the life of the planet, the framework that organizes all the other crystals dimensions. Curiously, by "nesting" an icosahedron inside a dodecahedron, we create a geometrically symmetrical structure -- and one of great beauty, the union of individual faces; and each "point" of the dodecahedral crystal falls at the center of one of the twenty icosahedral faces. This creates a larger crystal with 120 faces and 62 points -- the basic triangles and intersections of EarthStar.

EarthStar is an attempt to reapply the vast storehouse of ancient knowledge in the way it was originally formulated -- as geometry.

The ancients had discovered that theoretically -- etherically -- each of the five crystals could be nested inside each other and that their "points" would all fall among those 62 "points" created by nesting icosahedron and dodecahedron. This idea of nesting crystals has resurfaced again and again throughout our history, most notably in the work of Johannes Kepler and more recently in that of R. Buckminster Fuller (inventor of the geodesic dome).

What if the crystal formed by nesting all five forms were located at the center of the Earth, and what if the energies from the various edges and points somehow radiated up to the surface. Would these energies creates surface phenomena that mirrored the crystal "skeleton" below? This is the idea of contemporary researchers in what has come to be called "earth energy grid" studies. The illustrations below show how the edges and points of the various crystals are "translated" onto the found form of Earth.

Following the lead of contemporary Soviet researchers, the crystal is positioned on the earth by placing two icosahedral points at the north and south axial poles -- and one edge of the dodecahedron running through the great pyramid at Gizeh in Egypt. The result is fascinating. We see the Earth's energy skeleton fleshed out -- with rivers, mountains, and seismic zones running along its edges; and wind and ocean currents broadly circling its points. We begin to see a Living Earth.

Platonic Solids / Earth a Living Crystal? / Coloring / Lesson Plan

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