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Significance of the Number Nineteen

Nineteen squared

Nineteen squared (192)equals 361, one degree more than a full circle. In numerology, in particular Qabalistic numerology, a difference of one (1) is considered "close enough" to equal or identical.

Nineteen mountains and bodies of water from a circle around the Grand Tetons

This map is from Triangle from Mountains. Dorothy Leon describes how she "discovered" that nineteen mountains and bodies of water form a nearly perfect circle around the Grand Tetons.

19 & Teotihuacan

North-south axis of whole site of Teotihuacan divided by distance between the centers of the Sun and Moon pyramids (2,400 meters / 800 meters) = 3. The spacing of the city's streets, fifty-seven (57) meters divided by 3 = 19.
19 = 3 x 3 x 1.059 (the twelfth root of 2).
1.059 x 60 x 100,000 = 6,354,000. (Very near the span of the polar radius of the planet in meters.)
Harleston... believed that... he had also located Pythagorean triangles in the layout of the "Citadel" surrounding the temple of Quetzalcoatl, (and) proportions equal to pi, phi, and even the speed of light.

Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, by Tompkins, referenced in Ancient Stones Speak, byDavid Zink, page 96.

19 & the Cube to Sphere Ratio

When sphere = 10 then cube = 19.0983
When cube = 1, then sphere = 0.5236
Lindisfarne #10,Cosmic Numbers and Temple Architecture: the Number Nineteen,
by Robert Lawlor, pages 66 - 99.

19 and the Pentagon

The number nineteen also plays a unique role in the measure of the pentagon... the diagonal of the pentagon has the remarkable property of being the geometric mean between the diameters of the circumscribing circle and the height of the pentagon. These numerical relationships which approach those of the Pharaonic canon of 18 and 19, are as follows:

page 11, Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science, Christopher Bamford, ed., Lindisfarne Press, 1994.

The number 19 is significant to the Baha'i, whose calendar is 19 months of 19 days each. The Bahai also attribute significance to the number 95, which is 19 x 5. Coincidentally, the EarthStar western North America map actually has 95 points; the 19 'main' points, the points of the 19 triangles, the 19 'half-way' points on the inner ring, and the 38 points on the middle ring.

19 and the 19.5 degrees on Planets

According to Richard C. Hoagland, 19.5 (nineteen point five) degrees North and South Latitudes are significant points on many planets.

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Supernatural Places

and Visionary Maps

Dan Shaw, editor

supernatural places and visionary maps book cover Daniel Evan Shaw, website copyright © 2024