france vortex maps book

edited by Dan Shaw. Expanded for Spring 2021.

Visionary and Vortex Maps of France and the surrounding region. Rare and little-known maps compiled from various hard-to-find sources. Visit these energy points when in France, or research from the comfort of home.

Partial Contents

  1. The Earth Grid.
  2. Earth Grid lines of France, overview.
  3. Earth Grid lines of France, detail.
  4. Earth Grid secondary lines.
  5. France as a pentagram.
  6. Alignments of cities with names that include the sound "lay."
  7. Cities with names homophonous with "lay" #2.
  8. Five mountains form a perfect 5-pointed star.
  9. A simplified version of David Wood's Pentacle.
  10. The Temple of the Stars, from GENISIS: The First Book of Revelations by David Wood.
  11. The Star of Set, from David Wood.
  12. Similarity between French pentacle and monuments on Mars.
  13. Five-pointed and six-pointed stars centered on Esperaza.
  14. Rennes le Chateau as part of a flower of life.
  15. Mont St. Michel Ley.
  16. Cathedrals of the Virgin Mary form the constellation Virgo.
  17. Chateau de Blanchefort geometry.
  18. Rennes le Chateau extended vesica pisces.
  19. Heptagon with one point on Carnac.
  20. Roslin to Lourdes line defines Maltese Cross.

24-page e-book $6.00

Daniel Evan Shaw, website copyright © 2024